Jin Shin Jyutsu


Jin Shin Jyutsu® can be translated into several concepts. One of its literal translations is “Art of the Creator through Man of Knowing and Compassion.” It is also called the Art of Longevity, the Art of Benevolence, and the Art of Happiness.

It is in essence the Art of Getting to Know (Help) Myself.

Jin Shin Jyutsu is the art and science of self-centering. The body has its own consciousness that when ignored, energy flow paths become blocked. Distortions arise from stress, inappropriate diet, excessive thinking and worry, scarcity mindset, and resistance we meet in our life when we are out of alignment.

We experience this dissonance as discomfort, dis-ease, pain, and disconnection from self that over time depletes our life force.

At the core of Jin Shin Jyutsu is our Self-Help/Self-Care practice and the philosophy of living true to ourselves. “I am my own testimony.”

Jin Shin Jyutsu is available to everyone, using our fingers and hands to help ourselves align. Through releasing stagnation, discomfort, and energetic blockages, we sit in our inner and outer space with more ease to make decisions correct for us. We reconnect with ourselves on a deeper level.

Getting to Know Jin Shin Jyutsu

  • Jin Shin Jyutsu is innate in all of us and it was knowledge passed down generations through oral tradition.

    Over time, this knowledge became lost. In the early 20th century, Jiro Murai rediscovered and codified it. He healed himself from a terminal illness through fasting, meditation, and mudras in solitude over seven days. Murai sensei then devoted his life to understanding, researching, and teaching this Art.

    Jin Shin Jyutsu , as we know it today, has been revived for the modern world based on Murai sensei’s self-discovery and meticulous case studies.

    Murai sensei transmitted his knowledge to three students. It was through one of his students, Mary Burmeister, that we came to know Jin Shin Jyutsu in the West. She brought it back to the United States when she returned home in the 1950s and began teaching in the 1970s.

  • We commune with 26 Energy Zones that exist on each side of the body. They are traditionally called Safety Energy Locks as part of their function is to “lock up” when the body is imbalanced so to deter further damage that can come from incorrect energy flow. This may stem from injury, inappropriate diet, mental rumination, chronic stress, unprocessed emotions, and ignoring our body’s needs.

    Each of the 26 is a 3-dimensional energy sphere that has a specific function and meaning. They are each a specialist. Be it the Chiropractor or the Janitor, the 26 help us clear out the debris of our complaints and symptoms.

    We can unlock each in turn when the body has not been chronically imbalanced. We also use them in specific sequences to alleviate symptoms and to address the root cause of a more chronic condition.

    Jin Shin Jyutsu releases energetic blockages to allow the body’s innate intelligence to work unimpeded by injury, unprocessed emotions, coping strategies, and other factors that put us out of alignment.

    Note: Jin Shin Jyutsu does not diagnose or treat. Above all, it is about reconnecting to self and our body consciousness and honouring our life force.

  • The core of Jin Shin Jyutsu is “Self-Help.” This may be as simple as holding one of our fingers or placing our hands in a specific sequence on our body, working with the 26 Energy Zones.

    A regular self-care practice rebuilds and strengthens the communication bridges to our inner knowing and wisdom. We can better hear the messages from our body, be present moment to moment, and enjoy well-being from our self-directed inner authority. Jin Shin is an embodiment practice that assists us in our deconditioning process, by connecting into the body and sitting with greater grace and humour with our mind.


Energy Tune-Up

Energy Tune-Ups are a wonderful way to address your concerns. Over three sessions we delve in together. In one-on-one zoom calls, you will learn specific Jin Shin sequences and holds and we will practice together. You will also receive a PDF with this information for reference.