Learn & Practice


As a 1/3 Manifesting Generator with individual and collective activations, I’m always investigating, learning, and sharing. My purpose is to equip you with skills, resources, and a self-love mindset that will support you into the next phase of your life.

 Energize, Digest & Cleanse

Something magical happens when we can sit with ourselves over a period of time. A new awareness, a deeper connection. I invite you to this profound experience of insightful embodiment and alignment. This is radical self care in a fast-paced world.

Energize, Digest & Cleanse is a three-module email course that takes you deep into self-exploration. Each module is designed to be one month, focusing on the Spleen, Stomach, and Bladder Function Energies in turn.

In working with these organ energies, we are doing so with more than the physical organs. In this course, you will learn about their mental and emotional aspects, along with the Earth and Water elements, our body as a container, the role of the Energy Zones, movement and flow in life, common blockages, and having Jin Shin as a spiritual practice to align with your authentic self.


Why these 3 Organ Energies?

Master Teacher Mary Burmeister dedicated over a decade to create three Self Help books and offer Jin Shin Jyutsu to the public. Out of the 12 Organ Function Energies, only the Spleen, Stomach, and Bladder are included in these three volumes. This reflects their importance in daily balancing of energy and releasing of stagnation. These three adjustment flows help us to generate and regenerate. A regular practice helps us to energize, digest, and cleanse.



➣ Brings us the light of the Sun, energizing our whole being

➣ Helps with digestion, nerve disharmonies, worry, skin challenges, immune system, and energy level

➣ Allows us to see and enjoy life’s sweetness


➣ Supports our digestion of food, information & life

➣ Helps with digestion, bloating, prolapse, cravings, ruminating thoughts, worry, constant chatter, and skin concerns

➣ Allows us to digest life and gleam its wisdom


➣ Supports mental & emotional balance

➣ Helps with elimination, fluid circulation, ears & listening, eyes, knees, hair, back tensions, muscle & muscle spasms, leg discomfort, and pressure in the head

➣ Allows us to be with the flow of life


  • Learn & practice Adjustment Flows to the Spleen, Stomach, and Bladder Energies to address stagnation and depletion, including their benefits on the physical, mental, and emotional levels (see some of the benefits above)

  • Explore related Energy Zones and additional Self Help and substitution suggestions

  • Discover the wonder and importance of numbers

  • Explore the relationships in Jin Shin Jyutsu & glimpse at the complexity behind the simplicity

  • Deepen your knowledge with the concept of “Depths” or degrees of manifestation

  • Receive two emails per week and a workbook for each module

  • Continue your practice with a Guide Book (PDF) & future updated versions.

The Guide Book includes the course content as well as additional Self Help for foundational Jin Shin Jyutsu flows and for releasing the five attitudes of Worry, Fear, Anger, Sadness, and Trying-To. You will receive future updates to the Guide Book.

*Note: This is not a substitute for medical treatment nor a substitute for practitioner training. This is a Self-Help course for yourself and family.

It was so beautiful and I’ve learned so much from it. I felt also a shift in my overall well-being such as better sleep, more emotionally balanced. Mentally alert. And I felt an energy shift within my aura as well. Probably because my organs were healing or starting to. Thank you for sharing your knowledge
— Ana-Alexandra Mirea

Energize, Digest & Cleanse Email Course

$160 Canadian

Upon purchase, you will receive a Welcome email with details and background for the course. The first Module will begin the following Monday.